Josh Bachynski Reveals New SEO Tactics For 2014 Links, Social, Usage, Secrets, Leaks

SEO has undergone plenty of changes recently. This has left many people wondering if they should even bother with SEO anymore. This is especially since the shakeup many marketers have felt from Penguin 2.

Josh Bachynski talks about the type of links you should be creating and those that you should avoid. He then talks about changes you can expect for this year, 2014. Google is definitely on the lookout for bad linking practices and says you can expect to get caught eventually.

If you want to keep your site ranking then pay attention to this video. It could even be wise to change domain names. Josh makes several recommendations of what to do to keep your site ranking high this year.

Social media is going to have a huge impact on your site. So use things like social sharing buttons and create social profiles on the various platforms.

Josh says to create your Google+ site first, then Facebook and have your author snippet visible on your websites. Lots of good information on this video and definitely worth listening to.

Original Source: Josh Bachynski official YouTube Channel presented on a Google Hangout