I Tried The CARNIVORE DIET For 16 Weeks! What Happened?

“In this video I’m going to show you what happened after doing the Carnivore Diet for 16 weeks! Comment below and let me know your dieting experience.”

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Great contribution from JV Focus member, Dave Mac. Check out his new: No Carb Life  – YouTube channel. There is lots of free, solid information that you can put to good use immediately. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzcoPGdDRiPiWZYV4_EkzPQ/featured

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

I Tried The CARNIVORE DIET For 16 Weeks! What Happened?
#NoCarbLife #DaveMac #CarnivoreDiet #KetoDiet #IntermittentFasting #WeightLoss #JVFocus